So Pachelbel‘s Canon in D Minor has a chord progression so standard it’s been used as the base for a million pop songs and one scathing stand-up sketch. By ‘it’ I mean the chord progression and not the canon itself. No, the canon itself has only been used as the base for one song (that I know of) and that one song is the sublime ‘Ladies and Gentlemen We Are Floating In Space’. Give it up for Spiritualized.
Spiritualized vs. Pachelbel
So Pachelbel’s Canon in D Minor has a chord progression so standard it’s been used as the base for a million pop songs and one scathing stand-up sketch. By ‘it’ I mean the chord progression and not the canon itself. No, the canon itself has only b…
One reply on “Spiritualized vs. Pachelbel”
This is amazing, I was trying to convince my fiancé that this was a beautiful song to walk down the aisle to and he picked up on the similarity immediately. I found your site through his google search to compare the two songs. You like a lot of the same music I like I’m so happy to have found your blog.