Familiar Sounds

Spiritualized vs. Pachelbel

So Pachelbel’s Canon in D Minor has a chord progression so standard it’s been used as the base for a million pop songs and one scathing stand-up sketch. By ‘it’ I mean the chord progression and not the canon itself. No, the canon itself has only b…

So Pachelbel‘s Canon in D Minor has a chord progression so standard it’s been used as the base for a million pop songs and one scathing stand-up sketch. By ‘it’ I mean the chord progression and not the canon itself. No, the canon itself has only been used as the base for one song (that I know of) and that one song is the sublime ‘Ladies and Gentlemen We Are Floating In Space’. Give it up for Spiritualized

One reply on “Spiritualized vs. Pachelbel”

This is amazing, I was trying to convince my fiancé that this was a beautiful song to walk down the aisle to and he picked up on the similarity immediately. I found your site through his google search to compare the two songs. You like a lot of the same music I like I’m so happy to have found your blog.

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