Familiar Sounds

The Jam vs. The Beatles

All this time I thought Mansun‘s ‘Taxlo$$’ was the most obvious
homage to the Beatles’ ‘Taxman’


Then along comes The Jam picking up the slack that Taxlo$$ lacks.


Check out the beat at the start of ‘Start!’.


Eh? Eh!


Many thanks to that gem of a blog Lazer Guided Melody for this one.

Familiar Sounds

The Ronettes vs. The Beatles

aka ‘wut?’


Back with a bang making a rather risky claim. I promise I’ve thought it through, but it just so happens that WHENEVER I hear the opening of the Ronettes’ ‘Be My Baby’, I instantly think of the two lines off one of my favourite Beatles songs ‘And I Love Her’. 

As always, I might be alone in a corner with my observations, but dammit, I make the connection EVERY TIME and that’s reason enough to post it. 

The more I listen to this, the more I think it’s just me. Perhaps it’s the ‘if’ bit. Perhaps the songs are too well-known to everyone else. Perhaps I need to do a better mashup to prove my point. Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps HEY AT LEAST I’M STILL AROUND, eh, how about some credit there?

Familiar Sounds

The Telescopes vs. The Beatles

I *love* The Telescopes, I love them more than The Beatles. However, I am willing to accept the latter’s ‘Love You To’ may have been an influence on the former’s ‘Soul Full of Tears’.